Thank you Saint Jude

To encourage devotion to Saint Jude, it is common to acknowledge in writing any favours received from God by the saint's intercession. He is frequently thanked in the personals column of many daily newspapers, both secular and religious, usually anonymously, in a phrase such as "Thank you Saint Jude for favours granted." Many devotees write to the National Shrine of Saint Jude at Faversham, testifying to the power of the Apostle in their lives. Here are some that have been sent to us and we have had permission to share:

"Grateful to St Jude for answering her prayers" – Margaret King

"I recently made a donation to the Shrine of Saint Jude and I wanted to let you know my story. For all of my life I've had a serious ailment which has affected me since childhood. My dad had recently died and I had in my room his statue of Saint Jude, a little leaflet, and a pot of Saint Jude oil. Before I went to sleep, they were no where near me, but on waking up then next morning, the items were on my body. Over the next few days, I was discover that my serious ailment was gone and cured". - Julian Cheng

"I had been suffering from myalgic encephalomyelitis, a painful and debilitating affliction of the muscles, for 15 years and had reached the end of my tether.  I decided to buy some blessed oil from the Shrine of Saint Jude and, anointing myself with it every day for 6 weeks, I prayed fervently to Saint Jude to intercede for me to Jesus. Soon afterwards I went on retreat to Aylesford Priory. 

It was 20 July 2005; Elijah's feastday, Carmelite Friar, Fr. Cyril's Silver Jubilee, and our daughter's birthday.  While praying after mass, I felt very strongly that I could walk around Rosary Way unaided.  I had not been able to walk more than 50 yards without severe pain and fatigue for many years.   I began walking tentatively, going through the side door of the Relic Chapel.  Starting with the Glorious, through the Sorrowful and ending with the Joyful Mysteries, I was progressing in reverse order!   I felt Jesus's Presence with me every step of the Way, encouraging me as I completed praying all the mysteries. At the end, passing Saint Joseph's Chapel, I wanted to jump and shout for joy: I could walk again!

Since that wonderful day I have never used my mobility scooter or walking stick again, and I remember this overwhelming experience as if it were yesterday.   Later my Christian doctor could offer no medical explanation, but simply said: 'The power of prayer'.  Humbled in gratitude, all I can do is to praise God and witness to Saint Jude's powerful intercession. Thanks be to God." Patricia (April, 2019)

"It's so strange, but my hubby went for a test and needed to stay in hospital to have pace maker so I stayed there praying to St Jude. They gave him the information about the pace maker  and low and behold it was called a St Jude pace maker! I said to my hubby you will have St Jude next to your heart till the day you die. I still can't get over it. I prayed to St Jude today too." Anonymous, Facebook (March 2019)

"I read on your website that it's common for people to write to you to testify to the power of St Jude in their lives, so I thought to do the  same. I have been praying to St. Jude for his intercession in two difficult areas of my life and I can attest that very recently, my prayers have been answered in a way that is nothing short of remarkable. I am very grateful to God for this blessing, through St Jude's intercession." Anonymous, by email (February 2019)

Have you been helped by Saint Jude? Please let us know, here.