Previous Shrine Directors and Chaplains

Before 2008, the Shrine was managed by the Shrine Director who had the dual role of chaplain and manager. However, this was changed after 2008 with the management of the site handled by an office manager, and then later the Development Manager. A friar took on the role as Chaplain to run the spiritual side. Our founder, Fr. Elias Lynch never took on the position as Shrine Director, but he worked closely with his friend and Carmelite brother, Br. Anthony McGreal, O.Carm when he was Shrine Director.

Shrine Director
Br. Anthony McGreal, O.Carm: 1955 - 1965
Fr. Conleth Doyle, O.Carm: 1965 - 1975
Fr. Bonaventure Fitz-Gerald, O.Carm: 1975 - 1985
Fr. Richard Hearne, O.Carm: 1985 - 1987
Fr. David Fox, O.Carm: 1987 - 1995
Fr. Adrian Wilde, O.Carm: 1995 - 1996
Fr. Alphonsus Brennan, O.Carm: 1996 - 1999
Fr. Kevin Alban, O.Carm: 1999 - 2002
Fr. Francis Kemsley, O.Carm: 2002 - 2005
Fr. Brendan Grady, O.Carm: 2005 - 2008
Fr. Piet Wijngaard, O.Carm: 2008 - 2014
Fr. Michael Manning, O.Carm: 2014 - 2016
Fr. Brendan O'Grady, O.Carm: 2016 - 2021
Br. Paul de Groot, O.Carm: 2021 - 

Further information about the National Shrine's development
In 2007 the then Prior of Faversham, Fr. Wilfrid McGreal, published a biography of Fr. Elias Lynch which details the development of the National Shrine of Saint Jude. Entitled Friar Beyond the Pale, it is available to order from the Shrine of Saint Jude online shop. To read an extract please click here.


The photo above was taken on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Shrine: Friday 28 October 2005. Pictured from left to right: Fr Kevin Alban; Fr David Fox, Archbishop Kevin McDonald, Southwark; Fr Alphonsus Brennan; Fr Francis Kemsley (all former shrine directors, except the Archbishop!)

The photo above was taken on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Shrine: Wednesday 28 October 2015. Pictured from left to right: Mrs Hazel Colyer (Chair of Saint Jude management group: 2012 - 2016); Mr Matt Betts (Development Manager); Mr John Toryusen (Youth Southwark); Fr Brendan Grady (former chaplain); Mr and Mrs James Murphy (brother to the two lost in WW2); Fr David Fox (former shrine director); Fr Wilfrid McGreal (Prior); Mr Jonathan Neame (Deputy Lieutenant, Kent); Fr Antony Lester (Provincial); Archbishop Peter Smith (Southwark); Mr Nigel Kay (Mayor of Faversham); Fr Piet Wijngaard (Chaplain); Mrs Sheil Campbell (Town Councillor); Fr Francis Kemsley (former shrine director); the Mayor of Swale; Fr Kevin Alban (former shrine director)