Since March 2020, the Shrine and Carmelite Charitable Trust have been producing and sharing reflections to help everyone spiritually during tough times. Here are the reflections on other saints that can help us:
- The Apostles - what happened after the Pentecost?
- Saints and saints: some random thoughts (05 November 2021)
- Saint Bede (14 April 2020)
- Saint Bernadette (11 February 2022)
- Blessed Dominic Barberi (24 September 2021)
- Saint George (23 April 2020)
- Saint Isidore of Seville (19 June 2020)
- Saint Jerome (23 March 2020)
- Saint John, the Apostle (8 October 2021)
- John the Baptist, "Prepare the way of the Lord" (29 November 2020)
- Saint John Henry Newman (30 April 2020)
- Saint Pope John XXIII and his mission for peace (18 February 2022)
- Saint Joseph (19 March 2021)
- Saint Margaret of Scotland (7 April 2020)
- Saint Patrick (17 March 2021)
- Saint Simon Stock (16 May 2021)
- Saint Teresa of Avila (15 October 2021)
- Saint Thomas Becket (10 July 2020)
- Saint Thomas More (21 February 2021)
- Saint Valentine (14 February 2021)